7 Biggest Bird Feeding Myths and Misconceptions
Home Birding Attracting Birds Feeding Birds It’s time to bust these common backyard bird feeding misconceptions. Don’t fall for these false bird feeding myths. At the core, bird feeding is…
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Immersed in Nature’s Elegance: Variegated Fairy-Wrens, Tiny Wonders in an Enchanting World
Adorned in an iridescent pale blue helmet and boasting a perpetually аɩeгt tail, this bird ѕtапdѕ oᴜt wherever it goes! The variegated fairywren (Malurus lamberti) measures 14-15 cm (5.5-6 inches) in length,…
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Feathered Jewels: The Delightful Pardalote Birds Making Your Backyard Their Home
How does it look? Description: The spotted pardalote is a tiny bird most often found high in a eucalyptus canopy, making it difficult to observe. However, it can be easily…
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A skilled weaver whose striking rump and tail create quite a captivating sight!
This striking weaver, characterized by its solid and robust build, is a captivating sight in a variety of open and savanna environments. Distinguished by its prominent features, it has a…
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The bird has fairy-tale beauty, but has a crude name that does not match its beauty.
Like a fascinating fairy tale character, the white-browed titmouse brings a touch of magic to our world with its radiant colors. This enchanting creature seems to have fluttered out of…
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Dartford Warbler: the hardy survivor of the heathlands
The adult male is a richly colored reddish-brown breasted warbler with red eyes and a deep red eye ring. Its reddish-brown throat is patterned with pale buff spots and its…
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Multicolored tanagers: birds with charming plumage full of elegance and grace
Embark on an enchanting journey into the world of birds, highlighting a fascinating bird that paints the sky with a vivid spectrum of colors: the multicolored tanager. watch the video:…
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Clark’s Nutcracker: the bird with a passion for seed hoarding
Hiding tens of thousands of pine seeds each year makes the nutcracker a prolific natural forester. One sunny day in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, Diana Tomback met her…
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Meet the rosy-browed rosefinch, a beautiful little bird with magnificent color
Introducing a bird that seems straight out of a fantastical fairy tale and resembles a charming floating cotton candy: the rose-browed rose finch. This fascinating bird is adorned in a…
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Strange and unique: seabirds with many colors of feathers look like human clothing.
The Southern Red Bishop is a small bird that transforms into a sight to behold during the breeding season. Their plumage changes color, and breeding males become extremely brightly colored…
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